79 Windmillhill Street Motherwell Lanarkshire Scotland UK ML1 1RY

Dental Anxiety and Phobias

Are you nervous about visiting a dentist? We are here to help.
The thought of visiting the dentist causes anxiety for most people. The good news is that our highly trained team at Windmill Dental Care understands our patients' fears. With a combination of kindness, gentleness and the latest techniques we can do a lot to make dental treatment stress free.
Did you know…
Almost half of UK adults have a fear and are scared of visiting the dentist while 12% of these suffers from an extreme dental anxiety. Visiting the Dentist is ranked number one (22%) for making people nervous, even more than heights (19%).....
Frequently asked questions
I am a dental phobic. How can you help me?
If you haven't seen a dentist for several years because you are scared of visiting the dentist due to fear or anxiety, be reassured that you should find the experience more bearable nowadays. Our surgery environment is a welcoming friendly atmosphere specifically designed to put you at ease. We also use the latest techniques, equipment and materials to make your visit as pain free as possible. For example a numbing gel can also be used to numb your gums before an injection so you don't feel the needle.
Some tips to help ease your dental fears?
Visit our surgery before you make an appointment, meet the team and see the environment
Pick an early morning appointment so you have less time to worry about your visit
Bring along a friend or family member with you
Our dentists will agree a sign with you that will signal that you need a break and want them to stop. We will usually ask you to raise a hand, and it will help you feel more in control
Bring music with you to listen to. Our dentists are happy for you to wear earphones.
I have a problem with my tooth what but am too scared to allow treatment. What can you do?
If you're extremely nervous, our dentists can refer you to a sedation clinic. These clinics are specifically for nervous dental patients. Some people find simple inhalation sedation very helpful to relax them for dental treatment. This is a bit like gas and air given during childbirth, but instead of being delivered through a mask it comes through a nosepiece. If you're extremely nervous you may prefer intravenous sedation (through an injection into your hand or arm) during treatment. The drugs won't send you to sleep – you'll be awake and able to talk to the dentist – but they'll calm and relax you so deeply you probably won't remember much of what happened. The Oral Health Foundation provides very useful advice for anxious patients.
Don't suffer because of a dental fear. Give our reception team a call today on 01698 262698 for further information. We really do care.